It’s Been A Long Time

Maybe not incredibly long, but still pretty long. But, you know, life gets busy and I have to start figuring out what I need to do versus what I want to do.

But, you see, I met someone. We met in the grocery store when she turned a corner and her cart bumped into mine. I looked at her for moment while she looked at me in minor surprise.

I grabbed the back of my neck and let out an “ooooooooh” kind of moan. She called me a fake and a lunatic and ever shook her fist at me. And then we laughed. Then we talked.

It turned out that she, too, enjoyed road trips to little towns and checking them out. She didn’t mind a bit that I took my camera along. She even helped me juggle lenses and pointing out interesting things that I hadn’t noticed.

We would try out the little eating spots that most towns seem to have. At least one. Some have quite a few more, even if there isn’t a ‘downtown’ area. For the most part they were always pleasant experiences and it’s a lot more fun doing those kind of things with someone else, rather than on my own.

None of that is true, by the way. It’s all made up. It’s still just me.

So what has been taking up all my time? I’ve been looking for a house. For me, this is not an easy task. It could be, if I weren’t who I am. But I am. So that makes even the simplest thing a huge undertaking. Considering looking for a house, and buying one, is a huge undertaking being me just makes it twice that much

The biggest problem I have is that I don’t really know what I want. What makes it worse is that I know it doesn’t matter what I want. No matter what I get, as long as there’s enough room for my computers, the birds, and all the crap I have, then I’ll be fine.

That’s kind of a lie, too. There are actually two things I’d like out of a house and property, and they absolutely can’t exist together.

For instance, I would like a lot of land. I did, in fact, have my eye on a house on 10 acres. It was great. The house was kind of a mess, but the land was wonderful. There would be a lot of room to walk around and take pictures and stuff. I don’t know what else I would be doing with 10 acres, but it still would have been great. In the end, it turned out that getting Internet would be a problem. Satellite would be the only option and that doesn’t really work for me.

The other thing I would like is to be close to a downtown area. Close enough that I could just walk to the town square. It would be super handy for when the town had a festival (they all have a festival of some kind, at some point during the year).

Obviously, I can’t have both. Unless I have so much land that it would fit a small town. But there’s no way I could afford that.

So, right now I’m looking at a place that doesn’t fit either of those criteria. How amusing is that?

I’ve been spending a lot of time on this, including looking at houses after work and getting home late. Combine that with working late a lot and it doesn’t leave me with much energy to do anything on the weekends.

To say I’m tired, exhausted, would be an understatement.

And, of course, November is coming up. I had some ideas for NaNoWriMo this year, which is a switch for me, but I don’t even know if I could consider attempting it what with all that’s going on.

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